12 Causes of Brown Spots on Pothos (And Treatment)

Hey folks! Welcome back! We are here with another informative guide that will help you in your gardening field. Have you ever grown Pothos in your home garden? Once I faced some issues with my Pothos as they begin to show brown spots. Have you also ever looked down at your pothos leaves and seen brown spots? If you have, you’re not alone. Many Pothos owners have experienced this issue at one point or another. But what causes these brown spots? And more importantly, how can you get rid of them?

Key takeaways:

  • It is suggested to beginners to go for the pothos as they are one of the friendly plants to grow at home. There can be various Causes of Brown Spots on Pothos.
  • Causes of Brown Spots on Pothos can be root rot, overwatering of the plant, underwatering, excess supply of sunlight, sunburn, too little sunlight, Overfertilization, Pests, diseases, humidity issues, temperature stress, etc.
  • There are some treatments for fixing the Brown Spots on Pothos.

Do you know about some of the Causes of Brown Spots on Pothos? If yes, then fix them as soon as possible so that they do not spread.

In this blog post, we will explore 12 possible causes of brown spots on pothos and treatment methods for each. By the end, you should have a good idea of the Causes of Brown Spots on Pothos and how to fix the problem. Stay connected with the guide so that you understand it properly.

12 Causes of Brown Spots on Pothos (And Treatment)

Below are the causes of the Brown Spots on Pothos and also the ways that can help you in treating these issues. They are as follows:

Causes of Brown Spots on Pothos

Phytophthora Root Rot

Phytophthora root rot is a common problem for pothos plants. One of the Causes of Brown Spots on Pothos is root rot. This disease is caused by a water mold that attacks the plant’s roots, causing them to rot.

The fungus can also spread to the stem and leaves of the plant, causing them to turn brown, downward curling, and wilt. Phytophthora root rot is most often caused by overwatering or flooding, but it can also be caused by poorly drained soil or exposure to high humidity.

Treatment for this disease includes removing affected leaves and stems, improving drainage, and increasing air circulation around the plant.

Direct Sun Exposure

If you notice brown spots on your pothos leaves, it is likely that the plant is getting too much direct sun exposure. It is one of the other Causes of Brown Spots on Pothos.

While pothos plants can tolerate some direct sun, too much can cause the leaves to become scorched or burnt.

If you see brown spots and/or leaves that are starting to turn brown or yellow, move your pothos plant to a location with less direct sunlight.

Lack Of Humidity And Harsh Drafts

If you notice brown spots on your pothos leaves, it is most likely due to a lack of humidity and/or harsh drafts. One of the Causes of Brown Spots on Pothos is the lack of humidity. Pothos plants thrive in humid environments and need high humidity to prevent their leaves from drying out and turning brown.

If you live in a dry climate or your home has central heating or air conditioning, consider investing in a humidifier to increase the humidity around your pothos plant. You can also try misting your plant with water daily or placing it on a pebble tray filled with water.

In addition to increasing the humidity, you also need to make sure that your pothos plant is not exposed to drafts from doors or windows. These drafts can cause the leaves to dry out and turn brown. If you suspect that drafts are the cause of the brown spots, move your plant to a different location in your home where it will be protected from drafts.

Lack of lighting

Brown spots on pothos leaves are most commonly caused by too little light. Pothos is a low-light plant, so it does not need direct sunlight to thrive.

However, too little indirect light can cause the leaves to develop brown spots. If you notice brown spots on your pothos leaves, try moving the plant to a location with some light.

Brown spots can also be caused by the lack of sunlight. If your pothos is in a location where it gets direct sunlight, try moving it to a shadier spot. If the brown spots are severe, you may need to cut off the affected leaves.


Pests and disease can also cause brown spots on pothos leaves. Insects like mealybugs and spider mites can suck the nutrients out of plants, causing the leaves to turn brown and die. One of the Causes of Brown Spots on Pothos is the Pests. Powdery mildew is a type of fungus that appears as white powder on the leaves of plants.

It can also cause brown spotting on pothos leaves. If you think pests or diseases are to blame for the brown spots on your pothos, treat the plant with an insecticide or fungicide according to the label directions.


Sunburn is a common cause of brown spots on pothos leaves. If your plant is in a spot that gets direct sunlight for more than a few hours each day, it may be susceptible to sunburn. Brown spots will appear on the leaves as they scorch from the sun’s rays.

To prevent sunburn, move your pothos to a spot that gets indirect light or filtered sunlight. If you think your pothos is getting too much sun, move it to a shadier spot. If the brown spots are small and dry, they will eventually fall off on their own. If the brown spots are large and wet, you can cut them off with a sharp knife or scissors.

Related: Pothos Root Rot (Signs, Causes, and Treatment)

Incorrect watering

Another cause of the brown Brown Spots on Pothos is incorrect watering. You might not be able to feed your plants with water properly. So what are you gonna do next? There are two cases in terms of incorrect watering:


One of the Causes of Brown Spots on Pothos is the excess supply of water to the pothos. Are you sure if you feeding them with a sufficient amount of water?

When the pothos gets overwatered it makes the soil waterlogged which develops brown colored spots on the leaves. It is not a good sign for the plant as it shows the plant is suffering from some issues.

Feed your pothos with a sufficient amount of water as needed by them. It can be checked by inserting a finger into the soil and if it feels dry, then is time to water the pothos.


What about underwatering your pothos? It is a situation when the plant does not receive as much as water it needs to survive which makes the plant develop brown spots on Pothos.

You need to treat this issue by Feeding them with good amounts of water. Make sure you are watering the plant when the soil is completely dry. It will fix the Brown Spots on Pothos.

Natural process

Last but not least, sometimes the brown spots on pothos happen due to the natural process. As every plant has its own lifespan and if the plant is aging, then you can not do anything about this.

They will develop brown spots on pothos. Just enjoy the benefits of pothos if have any.

How to Treat the Brown Spots on Pothos?

Prevention and treatment of brown spots on pothos plants can be tricky. As with most problems, it is always best to try to prevent the issue before it begins. In the case of brown spots on pothos leaves, there are a few things you can do to try to keep your plant healthy and free from disease:

First, be sure to choose a potting mix that drains well. Pothos plants do not like to sit in wet soil, so a mix that drains quickly will help to prevent root rot and other problems.

Second, water your pothos plant regularly but be sure not to over-water. Brown spots on leaves can be caused by too much or too little water, so finding a happy medium is key.

Third, make sure your plant is getting enough light. Pothos plants prefer bright, indirect light but can also tolerate low-light conditions. If your plant is not getting enough light, the leaves may begin to turn brown.

Another possible cause of brown spots on pothos is a fungal disease called anthracnose. Anthracnose can be caused by overwatering or poor drainage. The best way to treat anthracnose is to improve your watering habits and make sure your pothos has good drainage. If the problem persists, you may need to use a fungicide.

Finally, if you notice any brown spots on your pothos leaves, act quickly! These spots could be an early sign of disease or pests. Remove any affected leaves and treat the plant with an appropriate insecticide or fungicide.

Wrapping up the Context

In this guide, you come to know that the Causes of Brown Spots on Pothos can be root rot, overwatering of the plant, underwatering, excess supply of sunlight, sunburn, too little sunlight, Overfertilization, Pests, diseases, humidity issues, temperature stress, etc. There are some treatments for treating the Brown Spots on Pothos. Read the full guide to understand the causes of brown spots on pothos and also their treatments.

Thanks for reading! Happy gardening!


How do you get rid of brown spots on pothos?

If you have brown spots on your pothos, don’t worry! There are a few things you can do to get rid of them.

First, try to figure out what is causing the brown spots. If they are caused by too much sun, move your plant to a shadier spot. If they are caused by water issues, make sure you are watering your plant evenly and not letting it sit in water.

Once you have determined the cause of the brown spots, you can start to treat them. If the spots are small and superficial, you can simply wipe them off with a damp cloth. For larger or deeper brown spots, you may need to use a sharp knife or scissors to cut away the affected leaves.

If brown spots continue to be a problem, there are some chemical treatments that can be used. However, these should be used as a last resort as they can be harmful to your plant. Talk to your local nursery or garden center for more information on chemical treatments.

What causes brown spots on pothos plants?

There are several possible causes of brown spots on pothos plants. One is too much sun exposure, which can cause the leaves to turn brown and dry out. Another possibility is a lack of water, which can also lead to the browning of the leaves.

Yet another possibility is a fungal or bacterial infection, which can cause the leaves to turn brown and rot. Finally, it is also possible that the brown spots are simply due to age and wear and tear on the leaves.

Should I cut off brown spots on pothos?

If you notice brown spots on the leaves of your pothos, don’t panic! There are a few possible causes and treatments.

The most common cause of brown spots on pothos is too much direct sun exposure. Pothos are native to tropical rainforests, where they grow in the dappled shade of tall trees. Too much direct sunlight can scorch the leaves, causing brown spots to form.

Finally, brown spots can also be caused by pests like mealybugs or spider mites. Mealybugs are small, white insects that feed on plant sap. Spider mites are tiny arachnids that spin webs on plant leaves. Both pests can be difficult to control, so it’s important to catch them early.

What does fungus look like on pothos?

The fungus can appear on pothos in a few different ways. The most common form of fungus is a white, powdery mildew that forms on the leaves. This type of fungus is often caused by too much moisture or humidity in the air. If you see powdery mildew on your pothos, it’s important to remove the affected leaves and increase air circulation around the plant.

Another type of fungus that can appear on pothos is black sooty mold. This fungus is usually caused by aphids or mealybugs feeding on the plant. The insects secrete a sticky substance called honeydew, which provides a perfect environment for sooty mold to grow. If you see black sooty mold on your pothos, it’s important to treat the insects infesting the plant.

Finally, brown spots can also be caused by a type of fungus called botrytis. Botrytis often affects plants that are already stressed or damaged, such as those that have been injured by cold weather or chemical burns. If you see brown spots on your pothos, it’s important to remove any affected leaves and improve the growing conditions for the plant.

Becky Decker

Becky Decker, our esteemed Editor-in-Chief, is a passionate gardener with years of experience in the world of horticulture. With her guidance, BonjourGreen.com aims to be your trusted companion on your gardening journey. Featured In   Becky Decker’s expertise and gardening wisdom have been recognized and featured in various prominent publications, including:   Homesandgardens.com Yahoo.com Urbansplatter.com Inkl.com Foliagefriend.com Yahoonews  Experience & Background   Becky Decker’s love for gardening has been a lifelong journey. She has honed her skills through countless seasons of planting, nurturing, and harvesting a wide variety of plants, flowers, and vegetables. Her deep-rooted knowledge is complemented by her Bachelor’s degree in Horticulture from the University of Green Valley.   Prior to leading BonjourGreen.com, Becky worked as a garden consultant, helping countless individuals turn their outdoor spaces into vibrant, thriving gardens. Her experience spans over a decade, making her a trusted authority in the gardening community.   The Birth of BonjourGreen.com   Inspired by her passion for gardening and her desire to share her expertise with a wider audience, Becky Decker launched BonjourGreen.com in 2021. This platform serves as a hub for gardening enthusiasts of all levels, from beginners to seasoned pros.   At BonjourGreen.com, we are committed to providing you with comprehensive guides, expert advice, and hands-on tips to help you achieve success in your gardening endeavors. Whether you have a small balcony garden or a sprawling backyard paradise, we have the information you need to make your garden flourish.   Our Mission   BonjourGreen.com is more than just a gardening website; it’s a community of gardeners who share a common love for nurturing the Earth. Our mission is to empower you with the knowledge and resources to create beautiful, sustainable gardens that bring joy and tranquility to your life.   Join Us on This Green Journey   We invite you to explore BonjourGreen.com and embark on your gardening journey with us. Whether you’re seeking advice on planting techniques, pest control, landscaping ideas, or the latest gardening trends, you’ll find it all right here.   Connect with us, ask questions, and share your gardening stories. Together, we’ll cultivate a thriving community of gardeners and help each other make the world a greener, more beautiful place.   Let’s dig in and grow together at BonjourGreen.com, where gardening dreams bloom!

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